Tobias AKA @TheCoinDad was invited to Daniel Mross's home in Pennsylvania in July 2023 to pick up two extremely rare mining ASICs; the 2013 Avalon1 and 2013 Butterfly Labs Bitforce SC (MiniRig). Daniel decided to donate his old ASICs to the Bitcoin Mining Museum after viewing the mining collection at the Bitcoin 2023 Conference in Miami. Daniel was an early bitcoin adopter that has been consumed with bitcoin since 2011 and played a large roll in creating the 2014 documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin.
Daniel Mross's Backyard as seen in the 2014 The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin documentary.
Daniel Mross standing in his basement in front of his batch 1 Avalon1, the world first ASIC miner which he received and ran on March 25th, 2013.
Daniel Mross signing the Avalon1.
Daniel Mross signing the 2014 DVD documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin.
Daniel Mross signing the Butterfly Labs Bitforce SC (MiniRig).
A look at Daniel's old ASICs.
Tobias ensuring that the Avalon1 ASIC is strapped in the car for the trip back to North Carolina.
The Avalon1 at its new home in the Bitcoin Mining Museum.